
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Knitting rules!

Before the alarm rings at seven in the morning, I have to reach over and search for the remote control (which is never where I left it the night before). Knitty Gritty, one of the few television shows I enjoy watching, airs at an ungodly hour here in NYC, and heaven forbid I should get out of bed (!) to turn the blasted teevee on. However, the "Knitting Rules!" episode featuring La Harlot herself, will air today everywhere but here in this house, it seems. I can't find it anywhere in the listings. Whatever shall I do...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where in Westchester County are you? I live in Peekskill, and there's a knitting Yahoo Group that's meeting tonight at Atlanta Bread Company in White Plains at 6pm. It's called Knitting Under The Influence. It's my first meeting; they meet by the fireplace apparently. Hope to see you there!

Lysa (A Very Harlot Fan)